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3D creates a static image, whereas 4D, HD, and 5D introduce movement, making it appear like a video. The latest in fetal keepsake ultrasound technology is HD/5D. This advanced approach uses software to adjust focus and simulate different lighting conditions in the ultrasound, providing a detailed view of the baby.

Yes, 3D and 4D/HD/5D ultrasounds operate at the same frequency as standard 2D ultrasounds used by doctors. Ultrasounds have a history of over 40 years of use, and the FDA reports that when used correctly, there are no confirmed side effects.

No, we do not accept insurance because this is an elective procedure.

The ideal time for an ultrasound varies based on what details you want to observe. Many mothers prefer two sessions: the first between 15-26 weeks to view the entire baby, and a second between 25-34 weeks for a clearer view of the baby's face. From 28 to 32 weeks, the baby gains more fat, leading to a more distinct facial appearance. After 34 weeks, capturing clear images can be challenging due to limited space in the womb. Nonetheless, each baby is unique, and we've successfully captured excellent images up to 39 weeks.

Starting from 15 weeks, we can identify the baby's gender with a high degree of accuracy. If you're beyond 15 weeks and the gender isn't discernible, we offer a complimentary rescan within the next 14 days on a weekday. Usually, the necessity for a second appointment is attributed to the baby's positioning.

It's commonly advised by doctors to keep up a healthy level of hydration, particularly during pregnancy. Staying well-hydrated helps to keep your amniotic fluid clear and abundant. Factors such as the baby's position, the mother's skin type and body structure, and the amount of amniotic fluid, are aspects that the sonographer cannot control.

Ensure you drink ample water in the days leading up to your appointment to maintain clear amniotic fluid. Approximately 30 minutes before your 3D/4D/5D ultrasound, consider drinking fruit juice to help your baby stay awake during the session, unless advised otherwise by your doctor.

Based on the ultrasound package you choose, your session will last anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes. Additionally, we invite you to explore our studio, where you'll find gender reveal products and heartbeat animals that can enhance your experience!

Absolutely! We warmly welcome you to bring your friends and family along to share in this special experience. Children are also welcome to join!

We do not contact your doctor prior to the scan because this is an elective procedure. We do require however, that you currently are under prenatal care, and if you have any concerns you should ask your doctor. Ultrasound technicians cannot and will not make a diagnosis. We do not provide any medical advice.

While we often succeed in capturing great images, there are instances where it might not be possible. Challenges arise if the baby is facing downwards towards the mother's spine or is positioned against the placenta. The quality of the scan varies with each baby, depending on factors like gestational age, position, amount of amniotic fluid, and the mother's condition. We commit to making every effort to obtain the best images of any parts of the baby that are visible.

The positioning of the fetus is the primary factor in determining the quality of your ultrasound images. While some babies are perfectly positioned for clear images, others may turn away, snuggle close to the placenta or uterine wall, or frequently place their hands and feet near their face. We'll do our best to encourage movement for a better view and capture of their face. Consuming juice or a bit of candy on the day of the scan might help the baby move (unless your doctor advises against it).

Drinking water is key to enhancing your ultrasound images. It's important to start increasing your water intake at least 7 days prior to your scheduled appointment. Adequate hydration can significantly improve the quality of an ultrasound.

Our top priority is to capture the best possible images of your baby and ensure your complete satisfaction. We utilize state-of-the-art ultrasound technology for this purpose. However, there are certain factors beyond our control that can affect the outcome of your ultrasound, such as the placenta's location, the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby, the clarity of the fluid, the baby's position, and the overall fetal environment. If we're unable to determine your baby's gender or capture 3D/4D/HD/5D images during your initial appointment due to these reasons, we will offer you a rescheduled session within the next 14 days at no additional cost.

A breech position occurs when the baby's head is at the top of the uterus and feet are positioned downwards. If you're aware that your baby is breech before your 3D/4D ultrasound, we recommend rescheduling your appointment for a few weeks later to give your baby more time to turn. While it's possible to get good images of breech babies, the chances are higher and more reliable when the baby is head down. Nonetheless, some babies remain breech late into the pregnancy or may not turn at all. In such cases, you can still proceed with a 3D/4D/HD/5D ultrasound, and if there's sufficient amniotic fluid, we should be able to capture good images.

Being overweight shouldn't deter you from getting a 4D/5D elective ultrasound. However, it is advisable to wait until after 30 weeks of gestation, allowing time for the baby to develop more facial fat, which can enhance the image quality. For those who are overweight, having a very high level of amniotic fluid is crucial for obtaining clear images of the baby. By following the recommended water intake in the weeks before your appointment, you should be able to achieve great imaging results!